
September 9, 2024

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Let’s be real – if you’re a plumber and still relying on a magnet on a refrigerator or a neighbor’s recommendation to get clients, you’re practically stuck in the Stone Age.

Internet marketing’s the lifeline your plumbing business needs to not only stay afloat but thrive.


Because people today look for plumbers the same way they look for recipes, restaurants and dog groomers – on the internet.

And if you’re not showing up, you’re invisible.

So, how can you harness the power of internet marketing and make sure clients are banging down your door?

Let’s dive into the plumbing equivalent of digital plumbing, where your website, SEO and social media become your new toolkit.

Table of Contents

Why Plumbers Need Internet Marketing to Stay Competitive

The Shift from Traditional to Digital Marketing in Plumbing

Gone are the days of slipping flyers under doors or relying on the memory of one happy customer to spread your name around.

Sure, traditional marketing like that still exists, but it’s a drop in the ocean compared to what the internet can do for your plumbing business. Digital marketing allows you to reach a wider audience, target people based on their location, and engage with potential customers even before they need your services.

Word of Mouth Isn’t Enough Anymore

Look, word-of-mouth referrals are still fantastic, but the digital equivalent of that is online reviews and testimonials.

If you’re not actively encouraging satisfied clients to leave reviews, you’re basically letting your competition win the trust of new clients. Internet marketing can amplify the positive things people are already saying about you and get that information in front of people who haven’t even heard of you yet.

The Importance of Visibility in Today’s Digital Age

Visibility’s everything.

If you’re not showing up on Google or social media, you’re as good as invisible.

Let’s face it – when a pipe bursts at 3 a.m., no one’s digging out an old business card from their wallet. They’re Googling “emergency plumber near me,” and if you’re not in those results, you’re missing out on easy, high-paying jobs.

That’s why visibility through internet marketing’s crucial to staying competitive in today’s world.

Understanding the Basics of Internet Marketing for Plumbers

What Exactly is Internet Marketing?

When you hear the term “internet marketing,” it can sound like some complex, high-tech process reserved for digital gurus. But at its core, internet marketing’s simply using the online world to promote your plumbing business and connect with potential clients.

It’s like opening the door to a digital marketplace where your tools are no longer wrenches and pipes but websites, search engines and social media profiles.

Think of it this way: if your plumbing business doesn’t have an online presence, you’re essentially operating in the dark.

You could be the best plumber in town, but if no one can find you online, it’s like shouting into the wind.

Your clients aren’t going to magically appear; you have to show up where they’re already looking.

And today, they’re looking on Google, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, not on the side of a billboard or a refrigerator magnet.

Internet marketing for plumbers means doing more than just having a website. It’s about having a strong website that ranks high on search engines like Google when someone types in “plumber near me.”

It’s about making your business visible when that pipe bursts at 2 a.m. and someone’s frantically searching for emergency plumbing services.

But it doesn’t stop there.

It includes posting useful, relatable content on social media, running targeted ads that grab attention, and even sending out engaging emails that keep you in touch with past clients.

Think of each of these elements as parts of a complex plumbing system.

If one part isn’t functioning well, the whole system breaks down. All the tools of internet marketing need to work in harmony to deliver the results you want: more clients, more calls, more business!


Internet Marketing for Plumbers - a hardworking plumber found online graphic

Components of a Successful Internet Marketing Strategy

Now that we’ve established what internet marketing is, let’s break it down into its key components – like the fittings and connectors that keep a plumbing system running smoothly.

If you want to see real results and not just dabble in online marketing, you need to understand the building blocks of a successful strategy.

First and foremost, there’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

SEO’s the process of optimizing your website so it shows up higher in search engine results.

Imagine the internet as one giant city, and search engines like Google are the maps.

You want your business to be the first one people find when they search for a plumber. SEO helps you stand out by making sure your website is structured in a way that search engines can easily understand and rank.

This involves using the right keywords, making sure your site loads quickly, and ensuring it’s mobile-friendly (since most searches happen on smartphones).

Think of SEO like the foundational pipes of your internet marketing system – without it, the rest of your efforts might just go down the drain.

Next is social media marketing.

Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram aren’t just for sharing cat videos or posting vacation selfies  – they’re where your future customers are hanging out.

Having an active presence on these platforms allows you to engage with your community, showcase your expertise and build trust.

For example, sharing helpful plumbing tips or posting photos of completed projects can establish you as the go-to expert in your area.

And the best part?

Social media’s a great way to build relationships with potential clients before they even need to call you.

It’s like laying the groundwork for future business, ensuring that when people have a plumbing emergency, your name’s the first one they think of.

Another crucial piece is pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.

PPC ads are a fast and effective way to get your business in front of the right people.

Unlike SEO, which can take time to see results, PPC ads put you at the top of search results almost instantly.

The best part?

You only pay when someone clicks on your ad, meaning you’re only spending money on people who are genuinely interested in your services.

It’s like getting leads on demand!

PPC ads are especially useful for plumbers because they can be targeted based on location, ensuring that your ads are only seen by people in your service area.

You can even run ads specifically for emergency services, so when someone needs immediate help, your name is front and center.

Finally, there’s email marketing – the unsung hero of internet marketing.

While it might seem old-fashioned, email is still one of the most effective ways to stay in touch with past clients and nurture leads.

Imagine you’ve fixed a client’s leaky faucet, and a few weeks later, they get an email from you offering tips on how to prevent future plumbing problems. That kind of thoughtful follow-up keeps you top of mind for the next time they need help.

Email campaigns can also promote seasonal offers, discounts, or reminders for annual maintenance, turning one-off jobs into long-term relationships.

SEO, Social Media and PPC for Plumbers

Each of these components – SEO, social media, PPC and email – works together to create a comprehensive internet marketing strategy.

For plumbers, the magic happens when these elements are aligned.

Let’s break it down further:

SEO for Plumbers: This is your long-term strategy.

It’s about making sure that when people search for plumbing services in your area, your business is one of the first they see. Local SEO, in particular, is essential for plumbers since your clients are typically in a specific geographic area.

This means optimizing for keywords like “plumber in [your city]” and “emergency plumber near me.”

Aditionally, claiming and optimizing your Google Business Profile’s crucial. This is how you show up in Google’s local pack – the map and listings that appear when someone searches for a service nearby.

Social Media for Plumbers: Social media is where you can build relationships and engage with potential clients in a more casual, approachable way.

Facebook and Instagram allow you to show the human side of your business, from showcasing your work to answering common plumbing questions.

Platforms like YouTube can be great for sharing how-to videos or behind-the-scenes looks at complex plumbing projects. The more helpful and engaging your content, the more trust you build with your audience.

PPC for Plumbers: PPC ads are your shortcut to getting immediate results.

While SEO takes time to build, PPC ads get you instant visibility.

The key here is to target the right audience – people who are actively looking for plumbing services in your area. With PPC, you can run ads for specific services (like emergency repairs) and ensure they’re seen by the people who need them most.

It’s like putting up a billboard in the busiest part of town, but way more efficient.

When you combine these elements – SEO for visibility, social media for engagement, PPC for instant leads and email for nurturing – you’ve got a solid internet marketing strategy that will help your plumbing business thrive in today’s digital landscape.

It’s like assembling a top-notch tool kit that makes sure you’re ready for whatever the job throws at you.

And just like plumbing, internet marketing requires some maintenance and tweaking along the way to keep things flowing smoothly. But once you’ve got everything working together, the results will speak for themselves – more clients, more business and more growth.

The Power of Local SEO for Plumbing Businesses

How Local SEO Brings Clients to Your Doorstep

Local SEO is your golden ticket. This is how you make sure you’re visible when people search for a plumber in your area.

Optimizing for local search terms like “plumber in [your city]” or “emergency plumbing services nearby” can bring a flood of clients right to your digital doorstep.

Google My Business and Its Role in Local Search

Your Google Business Profile’s one of the easiest ways to boost your local SEO. If you haven’t claimed and optimized your GBL profile yet, drop what you’re doing and take care of that. It’s how you show up in Google’s local pack – the map and listings that show up when someone searches for a service near them.

On-Page and Off-Page SEO Tactics for Plumbers

On-page SEO’s all about what’s on your website – using the right keywords, writing clear meta descriptions and ensuring your website loads quickly.

Off-page SEO involves things like backlinks, which are essentially digital votes of confidence from other reputable local sites.

How Paid Advertising (PPC) Can Boost Your Plumbing Leads

Benefits of PPC Ads for Plumbers

Why Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Ads Are a Game Changer

As already stated, PPC ads are the fast lane to more clients.

Unlike SEO, which can take time to kick in, PPC ads get your name right at the top of search results instantly. And the best part? You only pay when someone actually clicks on your ad, so you know the interest is real.

Targeting the Right Audience with Google Ads

When setting up your PPC campaigns, targeting is everything.

You don’t want your ads showing up for someone searching for plumbing tools – you want them in front of someone with an actual plumbing emergency.

With Google Ads, you can target based on location, intent and even the time of day.

Budgeting Tips for PPC Campaigns

It’s easy to overspend on PPC if you’re not careful.

Start small, monitor your results, and adjust your budget as you see which keywords are bringing in the most leads.

It’s like testing different tools before committing to one – it’s better to experiment a little first.

Social Media for Plumbers: More Than Just Posting

Using Facebook and Instagram to Build Trust

Social media isn’t just for influencers and cat videos.

For plumbers, it’s a powerful way to showcase your expertise and build trust with your community. Post photos of completed jobs, share quick plumbing tips, or even answer common plumbing questions. It makes you approachable and keeps you top of mind when someone’s pipes start acting up.

Video Marketing: Share Plumbing Tips and Tricks

Videos are a huge asset in today’s internet marketing landscape. Whether it’s a quick tip on how to prevent a clog or a behind-the-scenes look at a complex repair, video content engages potential clients in a way that text can’t.

Building a Community Around Your Brand

By being active on social media, you’re building more than just a following – you’re building a community. When people feel connected to you, they’re more likely to recommend your services, leave positive reviews, and return when they need more work done.

Building a Website That Converts Visitors into Clients

First Impressions Matter: Website Design 101

Your website’s your digital storefront, and it needs to look the part.

An outdated, slow-loading site is like a messy, disorganized workshop – it turns people away.

Invest in a clean, professional design that makes it easy for clients to find what they’re looking for.

Curious how to turn first-time visitors into loyal customers with a well-designed, conversion-optimized website? Reach out to us at Assegai Media – we don’t bite. Okay, maybe we do… but only when it comes to bad design. Seriously, drop us a line

Creating a User-Friendly Experience

Make sure your website is easy to navigate. Your contact information should be front and center, and booking your services should be as easy as turning a faucet.

The simpler the experience, the more likely people are to convert into paying clients.

Including Testimonials, Reviews and CTAs

Nothing builds trust like testimonials and reviews from happy clients. Make sure these are visible on your website along with strong calls-to-action (CTAs) like “Book Now” or “Call Us Today.”

It’s like putting a big “Open” sign in your window – inviting and encouraging.

Content Marketing: How Blogging Can Help Your Plumbing Business

Why Blogging Isn’t Just for Writers

You might think blogging’s only for people who have a lot to say about politics or parenting, but trust me – blogging’s a secret weapon for plumbers too.

Writing blog posts about common plumbing issues or tips can help you rank higher in search results and position you as an expert in your field.

Plumbing Blog Topics That Attract Potential Clients

Not sure what to write about?

Think of the questions your clients ask you most often.

  • How to fix a leaky faucet?
  • What’s the best way to prevent clogged drains?

Answering these questions in blog posts not only helps potential clients but also builds your authority.

Using Keywords Naturally in Your Blog Content

When writing blogs, make sure to sprinkle in keywords that your clients might search for.

But remember – no one likes keyword stuffing. Make sure your posts sound natural and provide value, not just a bunch of jargon.

Email Marketing: The Unsung Hero of Internet Marketing

email marketing benefits for plumbers graphic

Growing Your Email List Without Being Spammy

Email marketing might seem old school, but it’s still one of the most effective ways to stay in touch with clients. The key is to grow your email list without bombarding people with irrelevant messages. Offer helpful tips or discounts in exchange for their email – everyone loves a deal.

Email Campaigns That Keep Your Clients Engaged

Once you’ve got a solid list, keep your clients engaged with regular updates.

Share seasonal plumbing tips, offer maintenance reminders, or run special promotions. It’s like sending a friendly nudge to stay on their radar.

Personalization: Speak Directly to Your Audience

Generic emails won’t cut it anymore.

Personalize your messages by using the recipient’s name and tailoring the content to their specific needs.

If they booked an emergency repair, follow up with a maintenance tip to prevent future issues.

It shows you care and builds loyalty.

Analytics and Tracking: Knowing What Works and What Doesn’t

Tracking ROI on Your Internet Marketing Efforts

How do you know if your internet marketing efforts are actually working?

By tracking your return on investment (ROI).

Monitor which campaigns are bringing in the most leads and which ones are falling flat.

It’s like checking for leaks in a pipe – identify the problem areas and fix them.

Tools to Monitor Your Website and Campaign Performance

There are tons of tools out there to help you track your marketing performance.

Google Analytics for example, lets you see where your website traffic is coming from and how visitors are interacting with your site.

PPC platforms like Google Ads offer built-in tracking to see which keywords are driving the most conversions.

DIY vs. Hiring a Professional Marketing Agency for Plumbers

Benefits of Doing It Yourself

Some plumbers prefer the hands-on approach, and that’s great. DIY internet marketing allows you to control every aspect of your campaigns and gives you firsthand knowledge of what works best for your business. Plus, you save on costs.

When It’s Time to Hire a Pro

But let’s face it—sometimes you just don’t have the time or expertise to manage everything yourself.

That’s when hiring a professional marketing agency such as Assegai Media can be worth the investment. We’ll handle the nitty-gritty details while you focus on what you do best: fixing pipes, saving the day and wearing your Super Hero Costume!

How to Choose the Right Digital Marketing Agency

If you do decide to go the agency route, make sure you choose one that understands your industry. A great digital marketing agency will know the ins and outs of local SEO, PPC and website optimization specific to plumbing businesses… hint, hint, Assegai Media!

Common Mistakes Plumbers Make in Internet Marketing

Ignoring Mobile Optimization

If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re losing out on a huge chunk of potential clients. Most people search for services on their phones, so your site needs to look and function perfectly on smaller screens.

Not Following Up with Leads Quickly

Speed is everything in the plumbing world.

If you’re not following up with leads quickly, you risk losing them to a competitor, and getting a negative review in the process!

Make sure your contact forms are connected to an alert system that lets you respond ASAP.

Overspending Without a Strategy

Throwing money at ads without a clear strategy’s like pouring water down the drain. Be smart about where you allocate your budget and track the results to make sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck.

The Future of Internet Marketing for Plumbers

AI, Automation and What’s Next

The future of internet marketing’s all about efficiency.

AI and automation are already making it easier to manage campaigns and track results.

Imagine a world where you can automate everything from your ad campaigns to your email marketing – leaving you more time to focus on your craft.

Staying Ahead of the Competition

Internet marketing is constantly evolving, and staying ahead of the curve is crucial. Keep an eye on trends like voice search optimization and AI-driven marketing tools.

The more you innovate, the harder it will be for your competition to keep up.

Preparing Your Plumbing Business for Digital Growth

The time to embrace internet marketing is now.

The longer you wait, the more clients you lose to competitors who are already ahead of the game.

By preparing your plumbing business for digital growth, you’re setting yourself up for long-term success in an increasingly online world.

Recap: Internet Marketing for Plumbers – The Path to Success

Digital Marketing for Plumbers

Let’s cut straight to it – if you’re still wondering whether internet marketing’s worth it for your plumbing business, the answer is a loud and resounding YES.

And no, it’s not just some futuristic, complicated, Silicon Valley tech thing meant for billion-dollar companies. Internet marketing’s as practical as a wrench in your toolbox – it’s there to solve problems and, in this case, fix the biggest issue you might be facing: not enough clients knocking on your door.

We’ve covered everything from SEO to social media, PPC ads to email marketing – and each of these tools is powerful on its own.

But when you combine them? That’s when the real magic happens!

Imagine your plumbing business like a house.

SEO is the foundation, keeping you visible and stable.

Social media’s the flashy paint job and curb appeal, drawing people in with your charm and expertise.

PPC ads?

That’s your sign out front, pointing directly to your business, saying “We’re open for business!”

And email marketing?

Well, that’s like the warm, friendly follow-up that keeps people coming back for more, whether it’s for maintenance or the next big project.

Here’s the best part: internet marketing isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation. You can customize it to your own needs, your own style, and your own clientele.

Just like how no two plumbing jobs are exactly the same (one day it’s a clogged toilet, the next day you’re elbow-deep in a flooded basement), your marketing strategy should fit your business.

You don’t need a massive budget to see results – sometimes, small, steady improvements can make a huge difference. It’s kind of like fixing that slow leak in a pipe.

At first, it’s just a drip. But over time, if you ignore it?

Well, you know what happens. Marketing works the same way; a little attention to your digital presence can turn into a steady stream of new clients.

Putting It All Together for Long-Term Growth

Think of internet marketing for plumbers as your long-term growth strategy.

Just like you wouldn’t expect a single patch on a pipe to last forever, you can’t just “set it and forget it” when it comes to digital marketing. It’s an ongoing process – one that requires regular adjustments, updates, and the occasional overhaul.

SEO takes time to show results, but when it does, you’re riding the wave of organic traffic for the long haul.

Social media helps you stay top-of-mind for clients who might not need you right now but will remember you when the time comes.

And with PPC ads, you’ve got a fast, reliable way to get leads right when you need them most.

Here’s the kicker: all these strategies don’t just exist in isolation.

Like any good plumbing system, they work together.

SEO gets you seen; PPC brings in immediate business; social media builds relationships, and email marketing keeps your clients coming back for more.

It’s a full-service strategy that, when maintained properly, runs smoothly – just like a well-oiled pipe.

So, why wait?

The internet is like that tricky pipe you’ve been meaning to fix – it’s not going to wait for you to get comfortable. Jump in now, make the most of these marketing tools, and let the internet do some heavy lifting while you do what you do best – fixing leaks, unclogging drains, and making your clients’ lives a whole lot easier.

And remember, just like with plumbing, the key to success is consistency, patience and the occasional willingness to get your hands dirty!

Now go out there and flood the market with your expertise! (But, should that be daunting for you – you can always count on us to take care of the online stuff – so you can focus on growing your business!)


What is the best way to get new clients as a plumber?
Focus on local SEO, claim your Google My Business profile, and run targeted PPC ads. Combine these with solid online reviews for best results.

How much should a plumbing business spend on internet marketing?
A good rule of thumb is to spend 7-10% of your revenue on internet marketing for plumbers. Start small and adjust as you see which strategies bring in the most leads.

Is it worth investing in social media for plumbing services?
Absolutely! Social media helps build trust, showcase your work, and engage with potential clients before they need your services.

What kind of website should a plumbing business have?
Your website should be clean, professional, mobile-friendly and easy to navigate. Include reviews, a clear call-to-action, and your contact info front and center.

How can I improve my plumbing website’s SEO?

You could dive into the world of local keywords, schema markup, and backlink building… or you could let us at Assegai Media handle the heavy lifting while you stick to fixing leaks. We’ll make sure your website flows smoothly – no wrenches required!.

About the author 

George Feelgood-Dube

George Feelgood's a marketing enthusiast with a passion for all things email.
When not crafting strategic email campaigns, he can be found pouring over industry news, experimenting with new strategies, or simply enjoying the next International adventure in parts unknown! Follow George on LinkedIn for email marketing tips, insights and much, much more!

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